We fix planes!
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About Us

Two Authorized inspectors on staff. Our facility offers over 75 years combined experience. Located on the Caldwell Industrial Airport for 33 years.

We can even retrieve them.

Husky in the River

Twenty Years ago. Remember when?

Twenty Years Ago

Think it will fly? Maybe after we dress it up.

Think it will fly?

Our claim to Fame. Patty Wagstaff's Extra is now in the Smithsonian.

Our Claim to Fame.  Patty Wagstaff's Extra is now in the Smithsonian.

This came to us on a trailer, in bits and pieces. Now look at it!

This came to us on a trailer, in bits and pieces.  Now look at it.


This came to us on a trailer, in bits and pieces.  Now look at it.


Jet Charter



Jet Charter